Greenbelt de Tripoli

In the last 45 years, the city of Tripoli has experienced sprawling development. Spontaneous, rapid, and devoid of any urban or landscape framework, this development has resulted in a dense urban fabric, lacking in green spaces and public spaces.
The Green Belt, a vast network of facilities and public spaces spreading over an area of 700 hectares, forms a natural green collar that adorns the city. By delimiting the space more clearly, the belt redraws the limits of the historic center and the peripheral areas. New residential districts, parks, public places, and major public facilities follow one another to offer residents a wide variety of activities and landscapes.
Maître d'ouvrage :
ECOU Engineering and consulting office for utilities
Mission :
Development of the master plan and project management on public spaces
En association avec :
Gilles Clément
Zaha Hadid : abord du Centre de Congrès
Rem Kolaas : abord de la Bibliothèque Nationale
Surface :
700 Ha
Ville :
Pays :