Aménagement du quartier du Moulinet

The town of Ault, a former seaside resort popular in the 19th century, is built on a limestone cliff subject to strong marine erosion. The creation of a new neighborhood is therefore linked to a twofold challenge: preserving the cliff and taking into account the sea's advance, while offering a quality living space for the residents of the neighborhood.
Le Moulinet neighborhood was designed with attention to the quality of the buildings, the preservation and enhancement of the environment and the promotion of living together. The housing complex, the space for economic activity (shops, crafts, hotels) and the various cultural centers guarantee a functional mix conducive to sustainable urban development.
Maître d'ouvrage :
Syndicat mixte de la Baie de Somme et du Grand Littoral Picard
Mission :
Maîtrise d’oeuvre urbaine - architecte en chef de la Zac - préconisations architecturales et paysagères
Maîtrise d’oeuvre des espaces publics
Maîtrise d’oeuvre des espaces publics
En association avec :
VERDI Engineering
Jacques Frintz
Surface :
9,17 ha
Ville :
Pays :